ROSA Publishes Data Standardization and Sharing Report

Offshore Wind

ROSA recently published a report highlighting results from a study on data standardization and sharing related to research on the potential impacts of offshore wind on fisheries.

Key findings include:

  • A range of entities, including agencies, intergovernmental groups, academic institutions, and offshore wind developers, are collecting data on potential impacts to fish and fisheries from offshore wind.
  • Developer data may be available by request, as a public data repository is not currently available.
  • Data is collected in multiple formats, which can inhibit regional analysis.

ROSA developed the following recommendations/actions, which were reviewed by the ROSA Advisory Council Data Accessibility Committee. ROSA should:

  • Continue work to ensure fisheries data is stored, secured, and shared.
  • Continue to push for data handling and sharing plans as part of research and monitoring requirements.
  • Expand ROSA’s monitoring guidance by recommending or, if necessary, developing data standards.

If you have questions, please reach out to Mike Pol at