The Responsible Offshore Science Alliance is leading regional research on the potential impacts of offshore wind on fisheries by:
Coordinating Research and Monitoring
Through the generation of tools/standards that enable coordination across research projects and involvement in local to international research initiatives, ROSA staff are helping to align research efforts in the region.
Projects, such as the following, are aimed at enhancing integration of research and monitoring efforts:
- Outlining types of fisheries research data being collected, as well as gaps, through the Fisheries Resource Data Project.
- Generating the Offshore Wind Project Monitoring Framework and Guidelines, which summarizes the fundamental elements to include in offshore wind monitoring plans.
- Developing standards for data sharing.
- Designing a research framework that outlines research priorities and key research questions that need to be addressed.
- Collaborating closely with organizations, such as the Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative, whose missions overlap with that of ROSA’s.

Collaborating on Research
ROSA partners with other organizations and agencies on research projects related to offshore wind and fisheries. See the Collaborative Research page for details on current and past projects.
Administering Research
ROSA has established a research fund and is currently seeking contributions. This fund will allow ROSA to administer research grants based on priorities that have been set by the advisory council. See the Support Us page to learn more about the research fund and how you can make a donation.