
Explore these resources produced by the Responsible Offshore Science Alliance and others in the field, including databases, guidance documents, and other materials related to offshore wind and fisheries.
Fishing Boats Near Wind Turbine
Featured Resource

Offshore Wind Project Monitoring Framework and Guidelines

The Offshore Wind Project Monitoring Framework and Guidelines outline the fundamental elements to include in offshore wind fisheries project monitoring plans. Building on existing Bureau of Ocean Energy Management guidance, the framework was developed by a ROSA work group/committee comprised of representatives from several sectors involved in fisheries and offshore wind development research.

Resources Developed by ROSA or in Collaboration with Partners

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FishFORWRD is a catalog of all East Coast research, monitoring efforts, and stated research needs for offshore wind, fish, and fisheries.

Research Priorities

Report and Recommendations on Fisheries Resource Data Production, Storage, and Accessibility

This report highlights the results from a ROSA-commissioned study on the current status of data standardization and sharing related to potential impacts of offshore wind on fisheries.

Monitoring/Data Collection StandardsResearch Synthesis

Research Prioritization Meeting Summary

This summary provides an overview of a research prioritization meeting that was hosted in the summer 2022 by several organizations, including the Responsible Offshore Science Alliance (ROSA) and the Regional Synthesis Workgroup of the Offshore Wind Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG). The goal of the meeting was to discuss general prioritization criteria related to research being undertaken to better understand the effects of offshore wind energy development on wildlife and fisheries, as well as processes that could help identify priority studies for funding in the immediate term.

Research Priorities

Disclaimer: Many of the links on this page lead to external websites not managed by ROSA. We have made every effort to ensure that the resources listed on this page are relevant and up-to-date. However, ROSA cannot guarantee the accuracy of information provided on non-ROSA websites. References to external websites do not constitute endorsement or recommendation by ROSA. If you have questions or concerns, or suggestions of other resources that should be added to this page, please contact