This page provides access to the presentations, posters, and panels from the Symposium on Interactions Between Offshore Wind, Fisheries, and Fisheries Resources at the American Fisheries Society annual meeting in November 2021. Sections below include: Ecological Impact; Monitoring; Socio-economics and related; and Panels.
*Disclaimer: All files are posted with permission of the authors. For purposes of citation or attribution, please contact authors directly.
Ecological Impact
Sarah Borsetti, Daphne Munroe, Eric Powell, Eileen Hofmann, John Klinck, and Andrew Scheld
Potential repercussions of offshore wind development in the Northeast US on the Atlantic surfclam survey and population assessment (In-person presentation)
Changsheng Chen, Liuzhi Zhao, Robert Beardsley, Pingguo He, Scott Gallager, Huichan Lin, and Kevin Stokesbury
Potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Facilities on Regional Sea Scallop Larval and Early Juvenile Transport and Dispersion (Virtual presentation)
Alison Frey, Gregory DeCelles, Sofie Van Parijs, Christopher McGuire, Matt Camisa, and Steven Cadrin
Assessing potential impacts of offshore wind development on the Southern New England cod fishery (In-person presentation)
Brian Gervelis, Dara Wilber, Zoe Hutchison, Steven Degraer, and Gert van Hoey
Studying Demersal Fish Responses to Offshore Wind Farms: Progress and Knowledge Gaps(Virtual presentation)
Alexandra Grayson, Andrew Jones, and Elizabeth Methratta
Meta-analysis of Benthic Species Abundance at Offshore Wind Farms (In-person poster)
Jeff Kneebone, Brian Gervelis, and Connor Capizzano
A multi-faceted approach to assess baseline presence of highly migratory pelagic fishes and associated recreational fishing effort in the southern New England wind energy areas (Virtual presentation)
Camilla T. McCandless, Jeff Kneebone, Brian Gervelis, Kyle C. Newton, and Tobey H. Curtis
Synthesis of information, knowledge gaps, and research recommendations for the effects of offshore wind development on pelagic highly migratory finfish (Virtual presentation)
Elizabeth Methratta and Sean Lucey
Community Level Processes at Offshore Windfarms: Synthesis of Knowledge and Application to the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem (Virtual presentation)
Claire Ober and Yong Chen
Gone with the Wind?: Assessing the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Longfin Squid Suitable Habitat and Abundance in the New York Bight (In-person presentation)
Eric Powell, Roger Mann, Daphne Munroe, Eileen Hofmann, and John Klinck
The potential to model future range shifts of commercial species and their fisheries: A possible new approach (In-person presentation)
David Secor
The Flyway Concept and Assessment of OWF Impacts on Migratory Marine Fauna (Virtual presentation)
Bradley Stevens
Black Sea Bass and Coral Habitats in the Mid-Atlantic Bight: Implications for Windpower Development (In-person presentation)
Rebecca Van Hoeck, Aaron Rice, Timothy Rowell, and Sofie Van Parijs
Spatiotemporal spawning dynamics of Atlantic cod and potential interactions with offshore wind energy: Insights from passive acoustic monitoring (Virtual presentation)
Dara Wilber, Drew Carey, Lorraine Brown, Matthew Griffin, and Greg DeCelles
Responses of demersal fish and invertebrates to America’s first offshore wind farm (In-person presentation)
Andrew Farnsworth, Bonnie Brady, Anne Hawkins, Fiona Hogan, Joel Merriman, and Kate Williams
Flight, Fingers, and Fins: Fishermen as Knowledge Partners for Offshore Bird and Bat Science (In-person poster)
Lyndie Hice-Dunton and Mike Pol
Responsible Offshore Science Alliance (ROSA): Advancing coordinated regional research and monitoring for offshore wind and fisheries (In-person presentation)
Carl Huntsberger, Jeremy Collie, Mike Marchetti, Gregory DeCelles, and N. David Bethoney
Year one of the South Fork Wind Farm Pre-Construction Beam Trawl Survey (In-person presentation)
Andrew Jones, Janne Haugen, Anna M. Mercer, Benjamin Galuardi, Douglas Christel, Angela Silva, Andrew Lipsky, and Steven Cadrin
Using fishery dependent data to evaluate impacts from offshore wind energy development (Virtual presentation)
Mike Pol and Lyndie Hice-Dunton
Considerations for Gear Standardization for Research and Monitoring in Offshore Lease Areas (In-person presentation)
Joseph Zottoli and Stephen Davies
Design and Power Analyses for Offshore Wind Monitoring Surveys (In-person poster)
Socio-economics and Related
Morgan Brunbauer, Kate McClellan Press, Kate Williams, and Brian Dresser
Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Offshore Wind Energy Development: New York State’s Fisheries and Environmental Technical Working Groups (In-person presentation)
Stephen Drew, Ron Larsen, Martin Wolterding, Andrew Rawson, and Jason Drew
Informing wind farm layouts with AIS data and measured trawl and dredge tracks (In-person presentation)
Syma Ebbin and Nathaniel Trumbull
Fishing for Space in the New Blue Economy: Shoreside Competition and Conflict between the Fishing and Wind Industries in a Northeast US Working Waterfront (Virtual poster)
Rebecca Green, Anne Hawkins, Fiona Hogan, Elise DeGeorge, Christopher Bay, Matt Shields, Stuart Wilson, Joel Whitman, Walter Musial, and Morgan Brunbauer
Strategies for Commercial Fishing Access in New York Bight Offshore Wind Farms (Virtual presentation)
Julia Livermore and Tom Sproul
Using machine learning to predict fishing activity in the AIS (Virtual presentation)
Daphne Munroe, Eric Powell, Eileen Hofmann, John Klinck, Andrew Scheld, David Rudders, and Sarah Borsetti
Bio-Economic Impacts of Fishery Displacement in the Sea Scallop Fishery from Offshore Wind Energy (In-person poster)
Chris Sarro, Kara Gross, Ross Pearsall, Rodney Avila, and Julia Prince
Orsted’s commitment to reduce conflict between offshore wind survey and fishing vessels (In-person poster)
Chris Sarro, Kara Gross, Ross Pearsall, Rodney Avila, and Julia Prince
The use of navigation simulators to gain experience operating in offshore wind farms (In-person presentation)
Andrew Scheld, Jennifer Beckensteiner, Daphne Munroe, Eric Powell, Eileen Hofmann, and John Klinck
Assessing economic impacts to the US commercial surfclam fishing industry from offshore wind energy development (In-person presentation)
Tiffany Smythe
A Governance Network Approach to Offshore Wind – Fisheries Conflict in Southern New England (Virtual presentation)
Panelists: Alison Frey, Carl Huntsberger, Eric Powell, Bradley Stevens, and Dara Wilber; Moderator: Lyndie Hice-Dunton
The Role of Local and Regional Fisheries Research in Planning, Assessing, and Mitigating the Impacts of Offshore Wind Energy on the Marine Environment (In-person and live-streamed panel)
Moderators: Morgan Brunbauer and Brian Dresser
The role of environmental and fisheries efforts during the pre-development stage of offshore wind energy (In-person panel)